While we’d all prefer it if our apps never crashed, the logs captured from those crashes can help you troubleshoot bugs and get your app up and running again. If and when something goes awry, your app automatically gathers crash reports from people who have opted in to send you anonymized crash data. And you can view that data using the Xcode Organizer on your Mac.
Note: While there are several third-party analytics tools that can also provide information on crashing threads when incorporated into your app, you may not always be able to see the full backtrace. Additionally, the log you receive may not be in a format you can send to Apple when filing feedback.
Here’s how you can access full crash reports directly from Xcode and your Mac’s Finder.
Find your app’s crash logs
There are two ways to view your app’s crash logs. The first provides you with at-a-glance information — like the percentage of people running into crashes on an earlier version of iOS — while the other offers a more detailed look at individual crash reports.
- Open Xcode.
- Select Window from the menu bar.
- Go to Organizer > Crashes.
- Choose App Store from the drop down menu.

The Xcode Organizer displays crashes reported by your app, organized by the issue and frequency. You’ll only be able to see information from people who have opted to share anonymized crash reports.
Here, you can see crash reports from your app’s builds, including TestFlight betas and versions you’ve released to the App Store. Browse all of your crashes at a glance, and check out statistics to see how crashes break down across OS versions and different devices.
And if you want to start troubleshooting on the spot, you can even open a crash report and jump right to the affected line in Xcode by simply choosing the Open In Project option.
Review your app’s crash logs
To check out individual crash logs in detail, you’ll need to engage the power of your Control key.
- Control-click on the crash in question.
- Choose Show in Finder.
- In the Finder window, control-click the highlighted .xccrashpoint file.
- Choose Show Package Contents.
- In the folder that displays, go to DistributionInfos > all > Logs.
Inside the Logs folder, you’ll find each individual crash report, which you can browse and troubleshoot accordingly. You can also use these crash reports when reporting feedback to Apple.
Learn more about diagnosing issues using crash reports and device logs
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